What would you have liked to preserve from our world into the digital one?
When the question was presented in front of me, The answer for me was memory. I started to compare the memory of a computer which is calculated and storable as paused to memory as we experience it, one that is influenced by our emotions, whether we like it or not, our memory is affected by what we feel at the moment, what we see and even what we small and most of all from our own personal point of view.
The matter of memory took me back to my own childhood memory or should I say lack of memory, Following my parent's Divorce, I believe I suppress that time in my life to the point where it created gaps in my memory, I find myself gating lost in those memories.
I made some manipulation on childhood pictures that try to embody what I felt at the time, that gap, that void, and when getting to the point of translating these ideas into digital fashion on the avatars which embody the entity of the digital world I found myself looking at them like they were nomads, nothing that attaches them to nowhere or no one, not a place they're going to or coming from, detached from anything.
Memory makes us who we are, we carry along our experiences on this earth, the good ones that maid as smile and field our hearts, and the bad ones how we struggled but grew from.

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